Prior to EA, I taught at Wilmington Friends (Wilmington, DE) and Cristo Rey Jesuit High School (Baltimore, MD). I attended Hofstra University and double majored in History & Secondary Education.
My favorite things about EA are definitely the students and my colleagues. Since I arrived three years ago, I have felt at home in my career. It is truly an awesome place to be.
Also, the community here is so warm. Episcopal is like a family, and I love it. Coming to work every day is pure excitement and joy! Everyone is so encouraging and supportive. We are all in this together. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, an EA administrator came to my house to surprise me with a lawn sign that expressed recognition and appreciation for EA teaching staff. This is the type of thing that happens at EA. It truly is the best place to be!
EA has allowed me to grow immensely. Our on-campus Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), which supplies on-demand professional development and resources for teachers, has been a huge help to my teaching career. I take full advantage of their offerings and have formed close relationships with the CTL office. They have observed my class, and we discussed many of my lesson ideas together. What other school provides free services like these to their teachers? EA is a culture that wants its teachers to always find ways to improve. I love this!
I am also a Middle School Diversity Co-Coordinator, working alongside our Co-Coordinator and Middle School Theatre Teacher Gina Tomkowich. In our roles, Gina and I have worked to create an inclusive environment in the Middle School. This past year, we presented to students and faculty about the importance of affinity groups. Since then, we have created a Black Student Union and an Asian American Union for students who identify as Black and Asian.
In addition, we also created an Allyship group which teaches students the importance of being an ally in today's society. The allyship group is open to all Middle School students. We have also presented in Chapel about these important topics. Last year, we also organized a Black History Month door decoration in the MS. We have big aspirations for our diversity work in the MS. We are just getting started!