Admission Timeline

Every school is unique, just as every child and family is unique. We invite families to contact us to learn as much as they can about Episcopal, our mission, our educational philosophy, our focus on faith, our stellar athletics programs, and our community.
The following provides a snapshot of our admission process, along with call-outs to the optimal month or time of year for each step in the process. An application is not complete and ready for review until all of the following steps are completed and materials have been received by the Admission Office.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 484-424-1444 or
The Episcopal Academy does not discriminate in admission policies or practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, financial status, or familial affiliation or any other characteristic protected by law.
Explore Admissions Timelines by Grade
PreK-1st Grade
PreK, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade Admissions Timeline
- Step 1: Submit Your Application
- Step 2: Meet with an Admission Officer - Interviews and Tours for Parents and Caregivers
- Step 3: Schedule Your Student Visit
- Step 4: Submit Teacher Recommendation
- Step 5: Complete Financial Aid Application (if applicable)
Step 1: Submit Your Application
Our main admission season runs through the fall with a Dec. 13 deadline. In winter and spring, we move to a rolling admission season.
New Families: To access the online Admission Portal and begin your application, you must have a username and password. Please complete our online inquiry form if you still need a username and password. Once submitted, you will receive an email with instructions on setting up your Admission Portal account. Please note your username and password if you must return to the portal to complete additional steps.
Current EA Families: To submit an application for another child, visit the online Admission Portal and login using the same login information you use to access the EA Parent Portal. Then, select the child you wish to apply for from the dropdown selection. Please contact us if you do not see your child listed on the dropdown.
Step 2: Meet with an Admission Officer - Interviews and Tours for Parents and Caregivers
During the 2024–2025 admission cycle, we will host in-person interviews, tours, and student visits. Please schedule a tour here.
Parents and caregivers may choose to schedule an in-person or virtual interview. To schedule an interview, contact Amy Walling (484-424-1514/ for PreK & K; or Anna Slack (484.424.1541/ for 1st grade.
Step 3: Schedule Your Student Visit
Step 4: Submit Teacher Recommendation
Submit the recommendation form through your Admission Portal to the student’s current teacher after Nov. 1.
Step 5: Complete Financial Aid Application (if applicable)
We encourage families applying for the 2025-2026 school year to start the financial aid process as soon as possible.
Step 1: Visit the Clarity Family Portal and create your account. Once you apply for financial aid, you can log into the Family Portal using the same email address and password.
Step 2: Submit your financial information for the Academic Year 2025-2026. We ask that all families submit by Dec. 1.
Step 3: When you have finished your application or have questions, please contact Director of Enrollment Management Yuri Francis (
Episcopal Academy’s Financial Aid Committee reviews each request for assistance and determines the grant based on the family’s needs and the school’s budget. New families will receive financial aid decisions upon acceptance, assuming they meet all deadlines. Financial aid will be allocated during the rolling admission season until the budget is exhausted.
2nd-5th grade
2nd-5th Grade Admissions Timeline
- Step 1: Submit Your Application
- Step 2: Meet with an Admission Officer - Interviews and Tours for Parents and Caregivers
- Step 3: Schedule Your Student Visit
- Step 4: Teacher Recommendations
- Step 5: Complete Student Testing
- Step 6: Transcript and Report Cards
- Step 7: Submit Financial Aid Application (if applicable)
Step 1: Submit Your Application
Our main admission season runs through the fall with a Dec. 13 deadline. In winter and spring, we move to a rolling admission season.
New Families: To access the online Admission Portal and begin your application, you must have a username and password. Please complete our online inquiry form if you still need a username and password. Once submitted, you will receive an email with instructions on setting up your Admission Portal account. Please note your username and password if you must return to the portal to complete additional steps.
Current EA Families: To submit an application for another child, visit the online Admission Portal and login using the same login information you use to access the EA Parent Portal. Then, select the child you wish to apply for from the dropdown selection. Please contact us if you do not see your child listed on the dropdown.
Step 2: Meet with an Admission Officer - Interviews and Tours for Parents and Caregivers
During the 2024–2025 admission cycle, we will host in-person interviews, tours, and student visits. Please schedule a tour here.
Parents and caregivers may choose to schedule an in-person or virtual interview. To schedule an interview, contact Anna Slack (484.424.1541/
Step 3: Schedule Your Student Visit
Applicants will schedule a grade-specific visit to EA and join a group, including a few other prospective students. They will spend the morning with our admissions team and grade-level teacher. In the afternoon, they will have the opportunity to attend classes with a student host. Please use the Admission Portal to schedule the student visit.
Step 4: Teacher Recommendations
Submit recommendation form through your Admission Portal to the student’s current teacher after Nov. 1.
Step 5: Complete Student Testing
- Grades 2 -4: Applicants should complete the ISEE Primary (Independent School Entrance Exam) by Dec. 11 to ensure completion by the main admission season deadline. This computer-based assessment can be taken at home. Complete registration and view testing dates online at
- Grade 5: Applicants should complete the ISEE Lower Level (Independent School Entrance Exam) by Dec. 11 to ensure completion by the main admission season deadline. The ISEE can be taken in person at any school hosting a test date, or online at home. Complete registration and view testing dates online at
Please request ISEE results to be forwarded to The Episcopal Academy (School Code 395550).
If a WISC-V (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) has been taken, please feel free to submit in addition to the ISEE.
Step 6: Transcript and Report Cards
Request transcript and fall report card through the Admission Portal.
The Lower School Admission Committee will include applications completed by Dec. 13 in its annual committee meeting. Applicants will receive their decision on Jan. 17.
On a rolling basis, the committee will review applications completed after Dec. 13.
Step 7: Submit Financial Aid Application (if applicable)
While financial aid deadlines occur later in the admission season, we encourage families applying for the 2025-2026 school year to start the process as soon as possible.
Step 1: Visit the Clarity Family Portal and create your account. Once you apply for financial aid, you can log into the Family Portal using the same email address and password.
Step 2: Submit your financial information for the Academic Year 2025-2026. We ask that all families submit by Dec. 1.
Step 3: When you have finished your application or have questions, please contact Director of Enrollment Management Yuri Francis (
Episcopal Academy’s Financial Aid Committee reviews each request for assistance and determinNew families will receive financial aid decisions upon acceptance, assuming they meet all deadlines. Financial aid will be allocated during the rolling admission season until the budget is exhausted.
6th-11th grade
Middle and Upper School (Grades 6-11) Timeline
- Step 1: Submit Your Application
- Step 2: Meet with an Admission Officer - Interviews and Tours for Parents and Caregivers
- Step 3: Schedule Your Student Visit
- Step 4: Complete Student Testing
- Step 5: Request Information from Current School
- Step 6: Finalize All Admission Activities
- Step 7: Submit Financial Aid Application (if applicable)
- Step 8: Confirm Enrollment Plans
Step 1: Submit Your Application
While we encourage families to apply as early as possible in the fall, we accept applications for our main admission season through Dec. 13 for grades 6-8 and Dec. 3 for grades 9-11. After these deadlines, we transition to our rolling admission season until August.
- New Families: To access the Admission Portal and begin your application, you must have a username and password. Please complete our online inquiry form if you still need a username and password. Once submitted, you will receive an email with instructions on setting up your Admission Portal account. Please note your username and password as you will need to return to the portal to access links and complete additional steps.
- Current EA Families: To submit an application for another child, visit the online Admission Portal and login using the same login information you use to access the EA Parent Portal. Then, select the child you wish to apply for from the dropdown selection. If you do not see your child listed on the dropdown, please contact us.
Step 2: Meet with an Admission Officer - Interviews and Tours for Parents and Caregivers
Parents and caregivers can choose to interview in person or virtually. All interviews should be scheduled via the Admission Portal. During the interview, we will discuss your educational goals for your child, learn more about their interests, and answer any questions you may have.
Campus Tours will be conducted at our in-person fall events, offered on Tuesdays in October at 2:45 p.m., and offered to parents when they drop off or pick up students at a shadow day.
If you have any questions about arranging appointments, please reach out to
Step 3: Schedule Your Student Visit
Spending a day at Episcopal is the best way to learn about the life of an EA student. A current EA student from the grade your child is applying for will welcome and guide your child through their typical school day. Host requests for those who know a current student are always welcome but cannot be guaranteed. Student interviews are typically conducted during shadow days and involve a one-on-one conversation with a faculty or staff member. They are intended to be conversational and informative. Please utilize the link provided in the Admission Portal to schedule the visit day.
Step 4: Complete Student Testing
Applicants must schedule a standardized test for admissions. These tests include the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) or the Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT). They can be taken online or in person. EA and other area schools administer the ISEE or SSAT a few times throughout the year. Upon registration for the test, please request that results be forwarded to The Episcopal Academy. EA’s ISEE School Code is 395550, and the SSAT School Code is 3016. Please visit the tests' websites to register.
While the ISEE and SSAT are the most popular options, applicants for grades 9-11 can submit scores from the PSAT, SAT, or ACT in lieu of an ISEE or SSAT score.
We recommend completing testing before Dec. 3 to ensure completion by the main admission season deadline. (EA will only accept scores from test dates after Jan. 1, 2024.)
Step 5: Request Information from Current School
Recommendations, report cards, and transcripts are valuable tools that enable our admission committee to learn more about your child’s academic history and accomplishments.
Current teachers and administrators can quickly receive applicable forms via the Admission Portal. We kindly request that all grades, transcripts, and recommendations be delivered online exclusively.
- Requests for teacher recommendations typically occur in November for the main admission season.
- Requests for report cards from the first quarter or trimester or a snapshot of current grades as of mid-November must come from a student’s current school.
Step 6: Finalize All Admission Activities
To be sure all activities are complete and that we received all forms and transcripts, log into your online Admission Portal account or contact our office.
In their annual committee meeting, the Middle School Admission Committee will include applications completed by Dec. 13, and the Upper School Admission Committee will include applications completed by Dec. 3. Applicants will receive their decision on Jan. 17.
On a rolling basis, the committee will review applications completed after the December deadlines.
Step 7: Submit Financial Aid Application (if applicable)
We encourage families applying for the 2025-2026 school year to start the process as soon as possible.
Step 1: Visit the Clarity Family Portal and create your account. Once you apply for financial aid, you can log into the Family Portal using the same email address and password.
Step 2: Submit your financial information for the Academic Year 2025-2026. We ask that all families submit by December 1, 2024.
Step 3: When you have finished your application or have questions, please contact Director of Enrollment Management Yuri Francis (
Episcopal Academy’s Financial Aid Committee reviews each request for assistance and determines the grant based on the family’s needs and the school’s budget. New families will receive financial aid decisions upon acceptance, assuming they meet all deadlines. Financial aid will be allocated during the rolling admission season until the budget is exhausted.
Step 8: Confirm Enrollment Plans
Applicants with completed files by Dec. 13 for grades 6-8 and Dec. 3 for grades 9-11 will receive a decision via email and the Admission Portal on Jan. 17.
- For applicants who receive an admission offer, please confirm your enrollment by signing your enrollment agreement and sending the initial tuition deposit to The Episcopal Academy by Feb. 14.
- If offered a spot on the wait pool, please communicate with us and let us know if you’d like to remain on the wait pool or if you are pursuing other options. This updated information helps us to help all families as best we can!
During the rolling admission season, applicants will typically receive a decision approximately two weeks after applicant file completion. If offered admission, please confirm your enrollment by signing your enrollment agreement and sending the initial tuition deposit to The Episcopal Academy.